Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A rough week

I had a hell of a week last week. As I already blogged, on Sunday I got the three alpacas, and my doe rabbit gave birth. On Monday I woke up with a nasty cold, the kind you don't even want to get out of bed for. The little rabbit baby died on Tuesday. On Thursday, I went down to the barn and one of the alpacas was dead! I went back to work that afternoon, my cold having improved, but one of the other nurses came in at 5 so I could get back home to meet the guy with the backhoe for the burial.

Saturday I got three laying hens, and have been getting 1-2 nice big brown eggs every morning! The alpacas and hens are getting along fine, so I am feeling a little less stressed, though this morning one of the hens was acting oddly and favoring one leg. Tonight, I was going to put her in a separate cage so she wouldn't have to compete with the others for food etc but she looked better tonight and was eating and drinking with the others. I'll see how she is in the morning I guess.

The county extension agent came on Monday to check out my operation to see what might have killed the alpaca - they are susceptible to colic or can die from eating a poisonous plant. I didn't pay for an autopsy so I will never really know, I guess. I need some rain so I can burn the brush pile to eliminate the Yew bushes that are poisonous to alpacas. Maybe Saturday, if the forecast is on target. After that, the field can be reopened with careful monitoring.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sad news

Sadly, my baby bunny did not make it through the night. We will try again in the spring.

Monday, September 21, 2009

New Baby Bunny

In the middle of the alpacas arrival, my angora bunny Coco decided it was time to give birth! She had one little baby, as smooth as silk, and about the size of a mouse. Baby is about the same color as Momma, a deep gray-brown. Mother and baby are resting comfortably...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

The alpacas are coming! The alpacas are coming! My barn and field are ready, I just need to arrange their transportation! And get hay - must get hay tomorrow...

These are images from the farm's website - will add my own asap!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dog Daze

Kelsey's enjoying her long walks with Khol every morning and seems to be settling in real well.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Better Late than Never

Wow, where did the summer go? It seems like it just arrived a couple of weeks ago (literally!)

The bunnies are now 6 months old. Coco is still bigger than Guy Noir, but he had a growth spurt in August and has caught up some, size-wise. They've got an exercise yard, in which they enjoy hanging out and munching fresh green grass.

The alpacas are still residing in Hopkinton. The fence posts finally went in this week, and the rolls of fencing are here. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Today I brought home a livestock guardian dog, a lovely Great Pyrenees from the SPCA.
Sadly, her family couldn't keep her because of their housing situation. Her name will be Kelsey. She's 5 years old, with a lovely, gentle disposition. Isn't she beautiful? I only have to photo from the shelter, but hope to get some of Khol and her soon.