I also shoveled and moved 5 cartloads of composted manure, which I
figure weighed about 100 pounds a load, over to the new garden beds Rick
built last fall and I planted two flats of squash, Spaghetti and
Buttercup. I watered well and mulched it deep with straw and shredded
paper to try to keep down the weeds. Maybe tomorrow I'll rake more straw
out of the second coop to layer it a little thicker on the second
raised bed, but right now I'm pretty much done in! I had wanted to do
the sheet mulching technique I learned in a class this spring, but it
didn't happen this year - too much else going on so the traditional
method will have to do. (Maybe next year.) The spaghetti squash has
little tendrils, so it looks like I need to put up some trellising for
it to climb on.
The veggie plants are now all in the ground. I still have a few more herbs to get into pots and some flowers to get into the ground, but I'm close to finishing getting the garden in for the year. The two grapevines and one of the two blueberry bushes I planted have sprouted new leaves, so that is encouraging. And to think all of this came about because I wanted to have alpacas to spin the wool to knit with, and then decided I had to do something with all the alpaca manure I was accumulating!
The veggie plants are now all in the ground. I still have a few more herbs to get into pots and some flowers to get into the ground, but I'm close to finishing getting the garden in for the year. The two grapevines and one of the two blueberry bushes I planted have sprouted new leaves, so that is encouraging. And to think all of this came about because I wanted to have alpacas to spin the wool to knit with, and then decided I had to do something with all the alpaca manure I was accumulating!
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